“画和人,人生和艺术,过去是两趟线。越走,就变成了一条道。”——贾广健贾广健,画家,现任天津美术学院院长。年幼时,姥姥家的一束杏花为他埋下了艺术启蒙的种子,词典中的飞天插图在他的心中萦绕,给予他追索艺术之梦的畅想。贾广健从生活中累积经验、采撷素材,从传承中汲取养分、寻找突破,将没骨画法重新带回到当代美术中。Jia Guangjian is the dean of the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. An apricot flower growing in his grandmother's garden was the source of his artistic enlightenment. His initial interest was nurtured by the illustrations of flying apsaras he saw in an encyclopedia. Thus encouraged to pursue art as a career, Jia gained inspiration for his painting from real life. While nourished by tradition, he is also innovative, and has revived the boneless painting style and introduced it into contemporary art.推荐阅读:“大师列传”国际版|陈家泠:遥知非雪,梦笔生香 “大师列传”国际版6集系列纪录片预告片|妙手丹青,沧海琼音,时不我予,韶华莫负